Diamond Inquiry TM

An impasse, stagnation, anxiety in our lives, but also dreams, hope and curiosity, these drive us, if you will, so we attempt to change something about ourselves and our lives. For example, we attend a weekend workshop to support our development, the outcome of which works for a little while. We have some result, some satisfaction; overall, our experience was impressive, so we are also enthusiastic as a result of what we have learnt. We then face difficulties integrating what we have learned. Consequently, the affect of the workshop soon wears off and we fall back to the place we were before.

Diamond Inquiry TM private session work is an investigation into the moment into the structures behind our feelings of limitation, and to the Presence that is being covered over by these same structures. It is longterm work with longterm and far-reaching results.

We look at deep, profound questions you might have, desires you might have and we inquire into them. From this process you learn to be with your process, not to interfere with your experience that is arising in the moment. You begin to develop your sensing skills and feel phenomenologically, emotionally and spiritually what is arising in the moment in you and in the field.

This is essential work that that we step into if we want to grow and deepen more fully into our lives. Moreover, it can mean all the difference in the world to our maturing as human beings, if we choose to engage and understand ourselves deeply and as fully as possible.


Promote your integration process

In order to assist an integration process, I encourage you to practice Diamond Inquiry TM on your own. Very importantly, I introduce you to inquiry through journaling, particularly on the threads that may arise in our work together. It is also important to understand that I see you as a whole and not a linear horizontal process going from A to B. Together we support the work and a process of vertical orientation from which you:

  • grow from your own being
  • follow the wisdom of your inquiry
  • lead a life of Presence
  • have support against difficulties
  • understand your process


