Born in Canada, I was raised in an environment of the counter-culture movement. In the 1970's, I lived in a meditation centre, which my parents managed, and which was part of a rather large spiritual movement which was based in Poona, India. At the meditation centre, the members were also very strongly influenced by the work which was being popularized and coming out of institutes in the U.S. like Esalen and Naropa. In my younger life, I lived in several different cities and provinces in Canada, as well as in Oregon, U.S.A., but eventually, in the mid-90's I moved to Europe because I became a student of a spiritual teacher who described himself as an energy master, and who worked with the energy of pure consciousness. I was his student for about 20 years. After that time I felt it was necessary to move on.

I have been a student of the Ridhwan School since 2003 when I attended my first retreat with Sandra Maitri, and then a few years later joined Janel Ensler's Diamond Approach Italy group. This has been my home group since 2006.

In 2012 I joined the EURISNG Seminary Teacher Training, completed the core training and continue now on to the advanced training as an ordained teacher. My contact with the Ridhwan School was deep love at first sight.

Currently, I live in Vienna, Austria, where I settled 20 years ago. I live with my life partner and have two daughters whom I love immensely.


About me